Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Terrorist Goes to ScHoOl....

Hey friends!  On January 8, the little terror started her first day of school!  She has now gone to two classes and has had loads of fun…..

The first day of puppy class started with an orientation for me, introducing me to Tier’s instructor, her teaching techniques and everything that will be covered in her class.  I then went home, picked up Tier and headed back for the actual class.

When we arrived there were dogs outside in runs that scared the every living daylight out of Tier.  She was shaking with her hair raised on her back in her infamous Mohawk hairstyle.  When the trainer let us in Tier immediately started barking at all the other puppies, including a tiny little Puggle.  Tierney has clearly not grasped the concept, as of yet, that she is a German Shepherd and will someday tower over the little Puggle! 

We started class with sit, lie down and stand commands.  Tier already knew sit or “zits” as it is pronounced in German (Tier is being taught in German in order to compete in Schutzhund trials when she is older).  However, she had only just started learning lay down or “platz” earlier that day and stand or “shtaay” was far from her repertoire of new commands but, she quickly caught on.  It’s amazing how much you can get her to do with a few yummy Natural Balance morsels….she’s VERY food driven!  Thank goodness for her food drive, too, because there were 6 other puppies full of energy and spunk that she could have easily been distracted by!

Next we worked on the “go to your mat” command.  I hadn’t started this with Tier and had forgotten that this was probably something she should be taught for when guests come over to our house, especially German Shepherd fearing guests!  Although, if someone doesn’t like Tier, chances are I won’t like them and they won’t be visiting anyways, but better safe than sorry….right!?  Tier did pretty well with this exercise thanks, again, to the yummy morsels but she was starting to get a bit more distracted by the other puppies. 

After working on “go to your mat” it was time for, you guessed it……PUPPY PLAY TIME!!!!  I let Tier off her leash and she immediately took off to check out all the other pups, especially the Puggle!  Tier spent the entire puppy play time chasing, jumping, rolling, and wrestling with all the other puppies!  Puppy play time is definitely her favorite time in class!

Next up was “quiet puppy” time….and this is where things went to Hell and a hand basket!  Tier is not overly fond of quiet time, she’d much rather spend her time in manic, out-of-control time!  When I picked her up to practice “quiet puppy” time she immediately started squirming around and throwing what I affectionately call a “Tier Terror Tantrum”!  The trainer came over and discussed with us that as soon as she quits her tantrum for about 5 seconds then she gets to be set loose again.  Then we start the process over…..”OH JOY,” I thought, “this should be FUN!”  We continued on with the tantrums for a few more minutes until, thankfully, “quiet puppy” time was done!

We then moved on to loose leash walking…. “Haha,” I thought, “this is going to go real well considering she hasn’t really walked on the leash more than a few times!”  But, actually, she did very well and she kept her harassment of the other puppies we walked by to a minimum!  She did pull on the leash some but considering it was her first time actually being trained on the leash, I was very happy with her performance!  After loose leash walking it was time to say, “Goodbye,” and head home.  Overall, Tier’s first puppy class was a success!!

This past week was Tier’s second puppy class which began VERY differently than the first week!  Instead of her Mohawk hairstyle accompanied with barking and shaking, Tier walked into puppy class like she owned the place!  She strutted up to the little Puggle as if she were saying, “HEY! I know you, we’re friends!” 

We started class with more “zits,” “platz,” and “shtaay” commands.  Tier has gotten so good at the commands that I’ve had to switch up the order of the commands, or else, she’ll run thru the commands without me saying any of them and look at me like, “Ummmm, aren’t you going to give me a treat now!?”  We also started including a “watch me” command into her “zits,” “platz,” and “shtaay,” commands in order to break them up.  Here is Tier working on her "platz" command while out for a hike this weekend....

Next, the class moved onto “watch me” and “hier” commands (“hier” is “come” in German).  Tier performed these commands quite well, however, occasionally she got distracted by the Puggle and an Australian Labradoodle…which, by the way, is SOOOOO cute and smaller than the American Labradoodle!!!!  After “hier” and “watch me” we practiced “go to your mat.”  Tierney doesn’t quite get this command but we’re working on it! 

And, then it was time for, you guessed it…..PUPPY PLAY TIME!!!! Tier LOVES puppy play time! She ran around sniffing all the other dogs and jumping on the ones she thought would play with her.  At one point the Puggle got so excited it started running laps around the room as fast as it could with Tier and a mixed puppy, Monroe, hot on its tail!

After puppy play time the instructor told us we would be going out into the vet clinic and working on walking with a loose leash.  I thought, “You have got to be bat shit crazy if you think Tier will walk on a loose leash through the clinic with all the other dog and cat smells everywhere!”  The instructor told us to walk with our puppies on a loose leash and as soon as they started to pull, to switch directions and say “No pulling.”  After only a few redirections, Tier was walking on a loose leash anywhere I wanted to go in the clinic!  I guess sometimes I have to eat my words….or thoughts in this case! 

After about 15 minutes of loose leash walking we all headed back to the room for more puppy play time!  This puppy play time started with Tier trying to get Monroe to play with her.  Monroe, who I later found out had gone to the dog park earlier that day, was sitting next to his mom and would not play with Tier.  But, little did Monroe know, Tier was not about to take “NO” for an answer and she incessantly started slapping Monroe in the face with her paw!   And, the terrorist’s paws are not little by any stretch of the imagination!  Finally, after one slap too many, Monroe tackled Tier and the wrestling match began!  Monroe and Tier were jumping, slapping, running and tumbling all over the room!  Tier was having such a great time it made it VERY difficult to get her for “quiet puppy” time. 

Now, Tier is pretty darn smart and very good at learning and following commands BUT, she does have one nemesis and that nemesis is…..“quiet puppy” time!  Tierney thinks that puppy class should be full of treats, commands and fun times with her friends; she does NOT think it should include a time where she has to lay down on her back while being calm and quiet!  Similar to last week, the instructor told me to put her in the “quiet puppy” position and as soon as she stops her tantrum throwing and is quiet for a few seconds, she gets to get up…..clearly she has not made much head way since last week in this department!  She is making some minor improvement on her tantrum throwing times but the improvement is coming at a very glacial pace!

After “quiet puppy” time, it was time to head out for home.  Tierney had another very successful class and it amazes me how much she has learned, especially considering she is only 14 weeks old as of today!  Tonight she goes to puppy class number 3 and I’m hoping for another successful fun evening with my no longer small bundle of fur!  Update to follow shortly….

Biggest Gainer update last week saw 26 lbs on the scale and this past Saturday saw 28 lbs!  She is growing up WAY too quickly!!!!  But, it has and will continue to be such a joy to watch the little terrorist grow!

I, unfortunately, must end this blog with some very sad news – this past Saturday, January 19th, my aunt Pat lost her long battle with liver cancer.  Pat is one of eleven siblings and my dad’s second oldest sister. Pat is loved by many and will be sorely missed by all of the family and her numerous friends!  It gives me comfort to know Pat is no longer suffering and I’m sure, alongside God, my big beautiful Brear was there to help welcome Pat into Heaven with loving arms and, in classic Brear style, screaming her fool head off (her way of saying, “Hello!”) accompanied with a big sloppy kiss on the face!  I wish all my family peace in this extremely difficult time!  

I have a poem that I think is very fitting for Pat –

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.

To all our friends out there we say, “Make sure to let your loved ones know how much they mean!  TTFN, ta ta for now!”  And, to that big beautiful girl in the sky, “Thank you, thank you, thank you for the gift of Tier; I miss you and love you every single second!”


TieR and ShAnNoN

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