Friday, June 28, 2013

CaN GeRmAnS, ScOtS, WeLsH aNd BrItS sWiM iN HaRmOnY!?!?

Hey Friends!! I know, two blogs in one week.....WhAt!?!? Well, believe it!!  I've had more time in the past week after my last marathon so I feel like I should get Tier's blog up to date and try to get in the habit of posting weekly!  Anyway, on to the good stuff.....

This week Tier was invited by one of her best friends, Shorty, to go swimming at an exclusive park (not allowed to share the name due to Aunt Cath confidentiality issues)! Tiers, being the water dog that she is, begged me to go and me, being the sucker that I am, said okay!  Monday night we were off to the pond to do some swimming with her friends, Shorty, Tink, Reina, Bink, Rhoddie, and Tilly.  Tiers is still not quite sure about whether she should come to me when she is called so I was a little apprehensive taking her off the leash.  But, with all her friends around, she was not about to take off by herself and, luckily for me, her friends do come when they are it all worked out!

When we arrived we went into the gate of this exclusive park and had to walk across a large field to get to the pond. When I let Roo off the leash it was like shooting a rocket launcher.....she was off like a shot sprinting around, jumping over all her friends (she is quite a bit taller than the corgis and Tilly) and enjoying life to the fullest!
Here are some of her friends sprinting away
from her....wonder why!? 
After about a five minute walk we finally made it to the pond.  Tiers was so excited she immediately bounded into the pond!  And for the next several minutes she ran, splashed, jumped, swam, bit the water, and enjoyed this over sized swimming pool for all it was worth!

When it was time to head home, Tiers was pretty darn tired but not ready to go! However, I promised her that we would go again later in the week......and I lived up to that promise....but I'll get back to that later..

On Wednesday of this past week, Tiers grandparents got a new addition to their family, I'm happy to introduce for the first time.......QUINN!!!
Quinn, aka Quincy, is a year and half old Border Terrier mix that came from a rescue out in Eaton, CO.  He is cute, smart, silly, funny, and full of exuberance....just like a terrier, or terrierist as I like to call them, should be!

Getting back to my promise to Roo.....Thursday (last night) I promised Roo I would take her to play with her friend Shorty at the pond again.  This time her new friend Quinn got to go, along with Reina, Bink, and Tink.  It was a German, Brit, Welsh, Scot party!!  Tier, of course, got in the pond immediately and spent her time swimming and splashing about!  Quinn, on the other hand, wasn't quite sure about the water so he and Shorty spent most of their time on the bank.......

A little history behind Shorty....Shorty has what Aunt Cath affectionately calls "his women".....yep this corgi is a LADIES MAN!!!!  Tierney just so happens to be one of Shorty's "women."  Quinn, being new to the group, didn't know that Roo was already spoken for when he arrived and now thinks she belongs to him.  I'm sure you can see where this is's a German, Welsh, Scotch love triangle!
Quinn looking on with anticipation,
contemplating his next move on Tier.....
As I said before, Tierney hit the water immediately upon arrival....Quinn, being scared, spent his time  running up and down the bank barking at Tierney trying his very best to get her attention! What he didn't realize was, water is far more important to Tier than any man and thus he was ignored  the entire time!

Tiers ignoring all those around her because....DUH.....
there's water to be played in!!!!
Quinn did NOT like being ignored by his new BFF and took to biting her in the back legs when she got close enough to the bank....Roo didn't find this very amusing but, like I said, when there's water there's no distracting that tyrannical terrorist!!  Shorty, on the other hand, spent his time barking at Quinn in a valiant attempt to make him aware that Tierney was his first and he will not give her up without a fight!  Despite their exhaustive efforts, both Shorty and Quinn's attempts at securing Tier's love and attention were futile.....

Fortunately for the two bachelors, they will have another chance tonight at the pond to win over my rebellious Roo's heart......stay tuned for our own twisted version of the Bachelorette After the Final Toy.....which guy will receive the final toy from our water logged bachelorette Roo?!

Until next time friends, have a safe, fun, water filled weekend!  And, to that big beautiful girl in the sky, "I miss you, I love you and thank you for everything, I had a wonderful time!"


TiErS aNd ShAn

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